
About me

Who am I?Picture of me

Hey there, nice to meet you!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Danielle Hansen. I am a single mother of two awesome children. One boy who is now 6 years old (time flies, right?) and a cute girl who is 3.

Originally I am from Seattle. Eight years ago I moved to Minnesota with my ex-husband because he got a job in Minneapolis. I have been living here since then. I like it here, but I do miss home from time to time.

Up until recently I worked in a baby store selling everything from diapers to strollers. This was a job that I really liked and I honestly think that I was good at it as well. Unfortunately, the store closed a few months ago and since then I have been unemployed.

It was a friend of mine (That’s you Debbie) who suggested that I could start a website with advice on baby equipment. She works at an online marketing agency and has helped me a lot with this site. There is no chance that I would have been able to create it without her help.

I do think that I have a lot of knowledge that can help many people get started with their new life as parents. My field of expertise is baby proofing of homes. So naturally I decided to make it the topic of this site.

Please use the contact form if you have any questions, feedback or just want to talk. I promise to answer. 🙂

About SafeBabyGate – What I plan for this site

Safe Baby Gate Favicon

First of all, I want this site to be resource for fresh parents. That is without a doubt my main goal. My goal is to produce helpful product reviews and guides that:

  • Help parents find the products that are best suited for their personal needs
  • Educate readers to the level where they are able to make their own decisions

My plan is to write the majority of content myself, but I may use other writers if I feel like they know more about a particular topic than I do.

Affiliate Deal

I do however have an affiliate deal with amazon for the products I review and write about. There are a few reasons for why I have decided to do it this way:

  • I could have decided to be an affiliate for a number of other companies (some of them pay a lot better), but I feel that amazon is a really safe site that can be trusted. For me this is very important. In some sense I am advertising for the company that I am an affiliate for. If this was a site that I did not trust (and there are plenty of shady companies out there), it would be like tricking my readers. In short, amazon can be trusted and that is why I chose them.
  • I need some kind of income to support me and my children.
  • Having a direct link to a site that sells the products that I write about is convenient for readers

Also there are a few more things I want to mention about my affiliate deal:

  • First of all, I do appreciate if you use the links on my site to buy products
  • Second, please do not feel like you have to use them. It is your choice and I do not want to pressure you into anything.

With that burden of my chest I want to thank you for visiting my site. I really hope that you find some useful information here. If you don’t, please send me a message through the contact form with suggestions on what should be included or improved.

